Monday, April 29, 2013

Truth Cannot Be Ignored, Only Denied: Martin Luther King, Jr.’s March of Washington Address, Bono’s National Prayer Breakfast Speech, and the Four Gospels

I believe in God because I believe in truth.  Truth transcends the messenger.  Truth transcends the logic of mere survival under the laws of evolution.  Truth transcends the temporal and punctures the veil into eternity where we find our better, eternal selves, free from the chains of ego, free from the darkness of the adversary who desires we destroy ourselves by making us guard our own self-interests and deny the unity of the whole—the plain and simple truth that we are all made in the image of God, that we are all our brothers keepers, that light is light, dark is dark, and that we only find ourselves when we lose ourselves in the service of our fellow men and our creator.

Truth is not limited to the pragmatic, for its source is divine not temporal, but if we live even remotely right, we will recognize truth when we hear it.  It will prick our soul and make the hairs on our arms stand up on end.  We will know it.  We have to.  Truth is who we really are and Satan knows this.  He uses the vices of the ego—pride and jealousy—to make us deny it.

But if we are living even remotely right, truth at some level must be denied to be ignored.

It cannot go unrecognized.

In short, I believe in God because I cannot attribute the power of Martin Luther King’s March on Washington address to any other source.

I believe in God because I cannot attribute the power of Bono’s National Prayer Breakfastspeech to any other source.
 (Don't let the charity-ad song at the beginning keep you from mind-blowing speech that follows.)

I believe in God because I cannot attribute the power of the Gospels of Mathew, Mark, Luke and John to any other source.

I believe in God because when I read Mathew, Chapter 5, verse 48—

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect—

My spirit, for the moment, remembers my divine calling—that this is why I’m here—to let go of everything the ego desires for a better self, free from greed, free from envy , free from pride. 

I may not remember tomorrow, I may not even remember five minutes from now, but at the moment I hear truth I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that God lives and that because God lives, much is required of me.

For the reality of truth is that although truth is plain and simple, truth isn’t easy.  Truth requires justice and in an unjust world that requires I give up something—time, money, pride, prejudice, hatred—in order to experience the whole.

Truth is that higher standard that cannot be ignored, only denied.  If we will focus on that truth and act upon it, we will cease to care if the messenger is Hindu, Buddhist, Catholic, Mormon, Muslim or Atheist.  We will cease to care if the messenger is a Democrat, Republican or Libertarian.  Instead, the universal truth will unite us despite our differences. 

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